In this blog post I will be switching gears, from television series and movies, to cool gadgets. In 2004, a new, very useful, creative and fun gadget was sold in stores; it was the GoPro sports camera. In 2002, a man named Nick Woodman was on a surfing trip with some friends in Australia. He would take some amazing photos of his friends surfing from the shore of the beach. However, he realized that he was not getting good angles and that the pictures were too far away. That is when he came up with the idea of the GoPro camera, a small waterproof 5 ounce sports camera. At first, this camera was originally created to be planted on surfboards, to obtain amazing footage. Later on, people started mounting them on different things. Now people mount the camera on cars, surfboards and mainly helmets. I would really love to have one of these cameras since I do some sports where I could use the GoPro, such as biking with my father or playing airsoft with my friends. It would be really cool and interesting to see on video what I was actually seeing with my own eyes. The price of these cameras range from $180 to $300, because there are different types of cameras that you can buy and those are: HD Helmet HERO (being the most expensive), HD Motorsports HERO, HD Surf HERO, HD Naked HERO and the HD HERO (being the least expensive). However, you can buy additional mounts for your specific sports so that you can have a better outcome of the video. To sum things up, the GoPro sports camera was an extraordinary invention which allows us to have views/angles of certain sports scenes that we would not normally be able to appreciate.
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