Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A New Beginning

I have rarely ever blogged before; if I’ m correct, this is my second time. I don’t really like to blog because there are so many critics out there. Hopefully, I will try my hardest on this blog so all the “haters” find my blog interesting.
I’m a 9th grade male, in my first year of high school in an international school in Venezuela. Physically, for a 9th grade male, I am “healthy” according to a specialized website on weight and height, but compared to all my classmates, I am slightly smaller than they are. My favorite pastime or hobby is playing sports, and my favorites are soccer, baseball and tennis; to be honest I am pretty good at these sports. Another of my great interests is playing video games and watching TV. When I play video games I normally play games that fall under the category of guns. When I’m watching TV, I only watch HBO. I don’t watch any other channel on the TV, the reason being that I love to watch movies. Switching subjects, another detail that you may want to know about me is that family comes first and then everything else. I am also very passionate about hanging out with my friends because the majority of them I have known since I was 3 years old.

 I personally do not know what I will be writing in this blog but I assume that the majority of my entries will be about the book I am reading right now which is called The Lord of the Flies. I also assume that I will continue writing about my interests such as the one I mentioned above.